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Hey (Childhood memory) *DISCUSS MEMORIES*

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 1:19 pm
by balderas25
Hey if anyone see's this, it is crazy that this game is a major part of me growing up, blasting the music playing 4-5 hours a day. (Being a major troll and getting so many accounts banned. :D I'll never forget this game, & how much effort des put into this. If only this great game got the recognition it deserved, and the funds it needed. I just graduated highschool last week & plan to start work soon, I hope anyone who see's this responds and would like to talk about there experience with candy sugar kingdom and where they are at now! Goodluck :)

Re: Hey (Childhood memory) *DISCUSS MEMORIES*

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:23 am
by Silent

Re: Hey (Childhood memory) *DISCUSS MEMORIES*

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 4:31 pm
by Des
We all have memories of our younger days of various different things that had a lasting impression on us. For the hundreds of accounts I banned over time I was never mad or upset because it is all a part of the learning experience of life even if it's just an online game. I was specifically proud when the I saw that some players got to be so good that they actually started playing at the same skill level as me and then some even surpassed me which was something that I didn't initially think would ever happen but was pleasantly surprised to see happen.

I'm glad you had positive memories and feel free to share them here, I often hear back from some of the players that used to play a long time ago and they often ask me if I remember them and the answer is yes I do remember, not everything but I do remember :)

Re: Hey (Childhood memory) *DISCUSS MEMORIES*

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 4:44 pm
by balderas25
@des That's nice to know you seem like a really good person and very wise. This will always be my favorite game as a child and as long as you know Des you did impact people's life forever so Thank You :)

Re: Hey (Childhood memory) *DISCUSS MEMORIES*

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:11 am
by kid123
Lets revive this game. I had too much fun on here and I miss everybody just to think about it.