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Progress Update

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:55 am
by Des
Not all ideas are good ideas, and not all ideas are bad ideas. Sometimes the good ideas turn out to be bad ideas, and other times the bad ideas turn out to be good ideas. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

With the current focus on the NPC Shop and related core components, it was time to take the previous User Inventory component and refactor it to meet the various use cases that it will be used for and clean up the code to some degree.

The concept with the user inventory component is for it to be reusable but have various behaviors for the different areas it is used within. The most common use is to use it as an inventory panel to view, inspect, use and move items. The other use cases include but are not limited to selling items to NPC Shop, Pet Inventory, and Pet combat. Therefore, the inventory component is being refactored with these different behaviors in mind.

While the refactoring of the user inventory component is on its way, the NPC Shop buy and sell functionality has been partially implemented. This will allow the purchase of items and gradually work towards the functionality to buy pets.


Although the focus is not currently on the project's aesthetics, it is still nice to add some style to the project once in a while. In this case, this would specifically be the UI. The generic multi-use panel has been given the bouncy visual animation created using the Unity3D Animation Curve.


Of course, at that point, we had to add some visual transition when the user buys or sells an item from the NPC shop because we had to and because we can.


If you are interested in learning some game dev or would like to see how this project is being created behind the scenes, you can view the live game dev broadcasts on Twitch on Tuesdays and Fridays. Schedule.

The weather is unusually hot in many areas of the world; please remember to stay hydrated, drink water, and avoid heavy sugar drinks.

Have a great weekend :)