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Progress Update

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:51 pm
by Des
Technically speaking, from an analytical point of view, every question has an answer. It is hypothetically possible that the answer exists before the question, or they both exist simultaneously.

As you may already know, the current focus is the Pet Combat System which includes the Combat UI and all other systems and sub-systems that communicate with each other. Implementing these systems is not a trivial task and will require many iterations of functionality and countless revisions.

Having said that, the Combat UI has gotten off to an excellent start, with the star of the show being the Dynamic Circular Navigation. The addition of the Team Panels with intuitive usability and support for various inputs( Keyboard/Mouse, Touchscreen, Gamepad ) was the correct decision.

Granted, the Combat UI is still in the early design and development phase.


With the implementation of the appropriate synchronization packets, the Player pet can now display the accurate Abilities for selection during Combat.


Attack and Heal were the first two types of Combat Abilities to get added. The other abilities will follow suit in time, though to be honest, it looks rather strange without any animations.

Let's also take a moment to appreciate how nice it is to have Unity3D Particle Effects and Shader functionality that will be utilized for future development for some stylish esthetics and visual eye candy.

Here is a sample of what Combat looks like now; it is still early, but the UI feels responsive, and the Combat feels like it is heading in the right direction.


The next step being worked on is the displaying of the Ability Cooldowns using the Dynamic Circular Navigation.

It would appear that time has flown by, and we are at that time of year again. This year the Halloween Event will take place between October 24th to November 6th. If you have not gotten the Pumpkin Pets, this is the time to get them. Also, this year there is a little something extra that will only be available during the Halloween Event.


If you are interested in watching me create the project, feel free to come say hello on

Thank you for reading

Re: Progress Update

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:56 am
by Nasaga
Combat system looks awesome. I would like to have an onscreen quicktab option with for example 5 slots where I can put my most used skills and spells. Otherwise selecting skill every time I want to attack would be annoing

Re: Progress Update

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:12 pm
by Des
Thank you