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Happy 13th anniver

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:14 am
by Des
It is almost inconceivable to think that this much time has passed already. It was not long ago when Adobe Flash Player was the modern trend, and countless games were made using that platform. I remember this era as a time of exponential growth for creative diversity and exploration for those who wanted to create something and share it.

This was a timeline when I felt inspired and had the opportunity to learn and make something I enjoyed with time to spare. After what felt like a short period, I had a very early prototype that I was playing around with. I always knew I had a lot to learn, and there would be no better opportunity than this unique one I made for myself.

Throughout the development, I had many challenges with managing a project like this on my own with my limited knowledge, and I believe that it is common knowledge that this is not the kind of project an individual should do with limited resources. But I didn't care, and I was compelled to continue working on it despite all the challenges I kept coming across, including technical challenges of the platform that had no solutions.

To be completely honest, there were times when the accumulation of the project's complexity and the technical challenges felt like they were too much for me to take on. But my commitment to the initial goal of doing something I enjoy kept me going through the most challenging times, knowing that I didn't care about the definition of success or failure. My goal was to make something that I had a passion for creating.

Over the duration of the development, my available time became a luxury that I could no longer afford to put toward the project. I decided that I would continue to push through the development as much as I could and eventually accept the conclusion that I did my best; I had fun making it, and from it came a not-so-perfect game that brought enjoyment to a small number of users from around the world and those friendships that were made many years ago still exist to some degree in the Discord community.

Having made what is now a Legacy game and learning from it, I look forward to working on the successor to it, which will hopefully follow a similar life cycle and bring more awesome people together to make some great memories and, of course, some fantastic failures.

I can't say definitively what the future will hold for all of us in this community, but I can say that I appreciate and value what has become from essentially an idea to something tangible and hopefully continue to bring meaningful value to all of you who are a part of it.

Happy 13th anniversary to all of you. This celebration marks not only the 13th year the CSK server has been online but also a celebration of the community members. Yes, I do mean you who are reading this. You are awesome because some guy on the internet said so.

This is a work day for me, but I will try to be online for a short period of time for those who would like to play in the Gameroom or World.

Thank you for reading, and take care :)

Happy 13th anniversary!