Hey Guys It's Hero61306 (Main Gaming Name) aka Heroes (you can see my this name on CSK Game) and Telling you A Really Really Really Good News. I'm Making Candy Sugar Kingdom Wiki. It's in Constuction Right Now, You Can Visit There, Candy Sugar Kingdom wiki
You Can Edit Page, Create, Edit your Profiles and Many More. Please Don't Mess with These Page Because it's Hard. You Need to Learn HTML Coding for Editing them.
Important Notice:
1. You Must have a Wikia Account for Edit Pages
2. You Can't Edit Some Pages, Only Admins Can Edit them. They are Protected from Prevent Editing
3. If you are Editing a Page then you will Two Option at Opetion Bar, Source and Visual Please Choose Source Because if you Choose Visual then you will Not See Content.
Des, Please Visit on Wikia. I will Make you Admin so you Can Edit all Pages. and I Need a Logo for Wiki, Can you Make a Logo for CSK Wiki
Candy Sugar Kingdom Wikia Constuction: by Hero61306
Candy Sugar Kingdom Wikia Constuction: by Hero61306
Last edited by vikram on Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:46 am, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Candy Sugar Kingdom Wikia Constuction: by Hero61306
I like the idea and I think it is great that you want to make that, I just want to point out that you are going to need some help because that is a lot of work for one person to do.
Good luck
Good luck
Re: Candy Sugar Kingdom Wikia Constuction: by Hero61306
Nice, You can also add an "Quest Guide" section for the new players or old ones, I'll try to help if you need.
Re: Candy Sugar Kingdom Wikia Constuction: by Hero61306
Thanks Des and Hellcandy. Please Sign up at www.wikia.com then just come to my site. Then you'll have to permission to edit pages etc. I Want Logo for CSK Wiki and i don't have time to create it, Thanks you :)
Re: Candy Sugar Kingdom Wikia Constuction: by Hero61306
Please Tell me your User Name after Signing Up
Re: Candy Sugar Kingdom Wikia Constuction: by Hero61306
I don't fully understand what you mean by you need a logo, you already have the CSK logo. Can you be more specific?
Re: Candy Sugar Kingdom Wikia Constuction: by Hero61306
I mean can you add wiki on this pictures for egDes wrote:I don't fully understand what you mean by you need a logo, you already have the CSK logo. Can you be more specific?
it's club penguin logo that spelt club penguin
it's club pengin wiki logo that spelt club penguin wiki
i want to say can you make a logo that spell Candy Sugar Kingdom Wiki
Re: Candy Sugar Kingdom Wikia Constuction: by Hero61306
SureHellCandy wrote:Nice, You can also add an "Quest Guide" section for the new players or old ones, I'll try to help if you need.
Re: Candy Sugar Kingdom Wikia Constuction: by Hero61306
Des Can you Tell me Candy Sugar Kigndom History For Portal:History