As development continues with the new game client using Unity3D the game client is starting to take shape in what it will be the new look and feel of the game. To be honest, it is a look and feel that I'm not used to yet and will take me some time to get used to but I believe it is heading in the right direction and I am looking forward to what it will become. Since the last dev journal progress update I've been working on many different aspects of the project, there has been some success in specific areas and some challenges as always.
In my opinion game rooms are fun and can be very challenging to play with other players depending on their skill level. Like many others, I have played thousands of rounds in a game room and I have enjoyed every single one of them regardless of if I lose or win but it is nice to see the round end stats at the end of each game round. In the current version of the new game client, this has been ported over from the Flash version into the new client and it looks nearly identical at this point. I may decide to make some modifications to it in the future but I think it is simple and serves the purpose of what it is intended for.
One of the more challenging things to add was the explosion visual effect which was made considerably more difficult and time-consuming due to coming across a Unity3D bug that I was not aware of. This is an important complication that I will need to invest some more time into in the future to find an appropriate solution. The current quick-fix solution was to remove the Composite Collider because it was not correctly rebuilding its geometry and I had to figure this out the hard way through a lot of trials and error testing. Without the Composite Collider, the movement of the player character can get easily stuck on invisible corners and there is a performance loss when not using the Composite Collider. However, this is a sacrifice I had to make at this time to be able to move on with the creation of the explosion visual effect.
Once I was making progress I was able to get the bomb visual effect working in the way that I would like for it to be similar to that of how it is in the Flash client version. To achieve that I had to remake the animation and code it from scratch because I could not use the code from the Flash client version but that is okay, I'm quite happy with the outcome at this time.
With the creation of the bomb explosion effect, the popsicle effect followed suit shortly after because it uses the same functionality. This is also really important because I developed it in a way that it can be modular and can be versatile for future usage as it will be used for other effects.
My current focus of what I am developing is to get the touchscreen on-screen controls working. This is an interesting functionality to build for touch screen devices because there are so many usability factors that need to be taken into account so that the end-user can have a fluid and natural feeling on-screen joystick experience. This will definitely need to be well tested in the future to make sure it is appropriately usable for the type of gameplay such as game rooms as well as the world. Currently keyboard/mouse and physical game controllers work within the game and with the addition of this, it will mean that all 3 input types that I have previously mentioned will be implemented to some degree within acceptable limitations at this time.
Also, a reminder that the Halloween event will be taking place very soon, don't miss out on your chance to get the awesome Halloween pets. This will likely be the last Halloween event on the Flash client.
If you are interested in watching me develop Project CSK live or you just want to come to hang out please follow me on twitch( ) to see when I will go live.
The twitch live broadcasts will be uploaded to youtube in the future, make sure to keep an eye out for those if you like watching youtube videos.
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Have a great Sunday evening and take care :)