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Progress Update

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 6:01 pm
by Des
Here we are again with another progress update and one more step closer to having a playable game that will be cross-platform( Windows, Mac OSX, Android, iOS, etc... ) and support various inputs on each one of those platforms.

Roughly a week ago, the official project CSK forum( this forum ) became unusable and gave a critical error when attempting to load any page. After reaching out to the service provider, it was fixed, but I could not get an appropriate and detailed answer as to what the cause of it was. Shortly afterward, the forum was not displaying the pages properly and showed multiple errors when loading pages with content. After some research, it would appear that the backend applications on the server had been updated( MySQL, PHPBB, others ). As a result of this update, the forum was running an outdated version of PHPBB, which could no longer function properly with the newer versions of the backend applications. The solution, of course, was to update the forum to the latest version of PHPBB, and now everything seems to be working as it should, and it is back to business as usual.

Progress on the player Inventory System has been going well. Of course, there have been some challenges along the way, but that is to be expected. Currently, the inventory system can display the entire contents of a logged-in account on the Inventory Panel.


From that point, the next step was to get the On-Pointer over and exit of a valid Inventory Slot to display a ToolTip detailed description box hovering over the Inventory Slot in focus. Implementing this was also not without its challenges.


There is a lot more functionality that has yet to be implemented in the project, and if you are interested in the technical details, you are welcome to watch the Game Dev broadcasts live on or watch them afterward on YouTube.

Have a great weekend :)