2023/06/07/ 13th anniversary
Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 9:04 am
On this upcoming date of June 07th will be the 13th anniversary of the CSK server. I know time goes by very quickly, and it is hard to believe that this much time has gone by. Yet here we are. This day will be a typical work day for me, so I will likely be unable to be online. However, it is still an important day to remember where it all started and the good memories that have led us here.
There are no words that I can say that would appropriately illustrate how I feel other than to say that I am grateful for the good memories of playing online with all of you, and I hope to make more good memories in the future to look back onto.
Feel free to post some of your favorite screenshots that you can find from back in the day and share a story or something memorable on the Community Discord server.
I encourage those who are available to join, to be online during this day to play with others in the Game Rooms or hang out in the World.
Take care,
There are no words that I can say that would appropriately illustrate how I feel other than to say that I am grateful for the good memories of playing online with all of you, and I hope to make more good memories in the future to look back onto.
Feel free to post some of your favorite screenshots that you can find from back in the day and share a story or something memorable on the Community Discord server.
I encourage those who are available to join, to be online during this day to play with others in the Game Rooms or hang out in the World.
Take care,