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Please read this.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:24 pm
by HellCandy
I've noticed that some players make a big fuss if someone couldn't help them and that's pretty much what has been going on lately, the problem is that you guys just ask one person and be mean to that person if they couldn't help you for some reason. Help is not a must, you can't expect others to help you if you are acting bad or being mean to them, the best way is to ask nicely and I'm sure they would gladly help you unless they're busy with something else.

So, you shouldn't always expect help especially from just asking only one person. Remember there's always many more players that you can ask for help. In the end it's just a game, games are made to be fun not to be fighting with others about something small. Instead you should be trying to make friends with everyone else and the game will be more fun to play.

It's a game, you can communicate with other players, some people are willing to help, some don't. You need to learn to ask and be patient.

Re: Please read this.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:59 am
by blueflower

Re: Please read this.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:35 am
by Des

Re: Please read this.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:11 am
by Andrew
Help is not a must, you can't expect others to help you if you are acting bad or being mean to them...
Well blueflowers & mario123 act like I am dirt(not I take it seriously) & they think I am "mean" & a "bully" because I don't invite them , but why should I if they are so unkind? (Btw, they probably feel that way about glitterangel & DoodleBugGirl)

Re: Please read this.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:19 am
by Jessimine
Ikr . . . I mean theres always going to be at least someone who is willing to help; however it all depends on your ATTITUDE towards them. :roll:
Everyone likes some respect to and from other players. If misbehaving on CSK gives you the cold shoulder from some players, well in a way you DID ask for it :|

Re: Please read this.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:23 am
by kid123
But then you should forgive that person for what they done and Andrew not to be rude or anything but you kept coming in and out of the area's that I was in :| umm any conclusion and you do have a little attitude toward blue and mario and that could have been why they call you a bully :| :roll: not to be mean or anything.

Re: Please read this.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:54 pm
by Jessimine
"Forgive and forget" is a popular term when it comes to renewing friendship. However, can you really blame him for having some attitude toward unkind people? I mean, it's kinda hard to "forgive and forget" mean things said on CSK. Every time a person has something upsetting said to them, they'll most likely try to avoid that certain person. A bully is: a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker; or use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Name any example how that has to do with Andrew2173. :roll: :roll: :roll: 8-) :lol:

Re: Please read this.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:52 pm
by HellCandy
I didn't create this topic for you guys to argue in it. In Fact I created it to make you guys understand that it is not the end of the world if someone couldn't help you. There's still many more players around including me, and if you couldn't find anyone to help you which I highly doubt just go train your pet and get better equipments or do quests and you will get stronger in no time. Who knows maybe they would come to you for help in the future.

My point is that there's still lots of stuff that you can do, that's what we've been doing when the pets update arrived and believe me it was harder for us that time, because we didn't know how to build our pets, we didn't even know what stats/elements are used for, we basically made lots of mistakes and it took us some time to understand everything and no one was there to help us besides Des, like some of us literally waited hours for Des to be online and help or get an advice from him.

But now you can use the Pet Growth for guide of how to build your pet and a Magic Capsule to reset your points if you built your pet wrong or did a mistake. also better items and equipments and you can now level up to 11 and more to come soon. So, don't just go and say I'm gonna quit or leave the game because someone didn't help me or start being and acting mean to them, you just have to be patient and have fun with whatever you do and if you want people to respect you, well you have to respect them first and be nice to them and they will do the same.

And if someone is being mean to you the best sulotion is to ignore them, because if you do the same thing the problem will just get bigger and you will end up saying something that you would regert for later. So, just keep on being nice and who knows they may end up being nice to you if not you can always use the forum to contact Des with whatever problems occurring you, and for any information about the game.

I don't want to say more, I hope you guys get what I'm saying. It's not always about fighting and whos stronger or weaker. Stronger, better, more experienced players should always try to help the new players understand the game if not busy of course. But the important part is to ask nicely, be patient and have fun.

Re: Please read this.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:22 pm
by blueflower
i wasn't being mean to you at all what did I say that was mean?

Re: Please read this.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:11 pm
by blueflower
im not even in the picture either and i never was rude to you...